Change is good. Although not necessarily wanted. Today reminded me of that fact.
Campfires in the morning are special days. Outdoor offices with a campfire, heavenly.
The morning highlight was my neighbor. She strolled past with blue hair, matching her flowery blue nightgown, the outfit complete with pink crocs. My kind of fashion, no pretense, just having fun.
After a morning of work, we visited the newest Mrs. Lambrose, Carolanne. I’ve known her since birth, and today we visited her first home.
Her mother and I met in the Ski Lodge of Treasure Lake (TL) in Pennsylvania when we were teenagers; I was 16, Laura 14. My job was dispensing quarters in the game room. Laura used to hang out with me while I worked. At that time, you could actually ski at the resort. One of my favorite things to do was ski on my fifteen-minute breaks. Laura and I never lived in the same town together; her parents owned a summer home at the Lake. We lived in TL year-round. Our friendship has always been a long-distance one.
One of Laura’s greatest gifts to me is sharing her family. The third cord in our friendship is the Lord.

Carolanne reminds me, change is good.
Visiting the home she’s created for her new family was wonderful. Watching Carolanne move around her kitchen with grace and ease, magical. I had to remind myself, she’s a grown woman now, no longer a child. Which of course reminded me, I’m a bit older too.
To Carolanne, I am Aunt Beth. As we pulled in the driveway, she was just finishing mowing the lawn. My heartstrings tugged witnessing the remarkable young woman she has grown into today.
I remember napping with her when she was a baby. She slept on my chest in a onesie, wrapped in a blanket, while I watched T.V. Now she’s mowing the lawn of her new home, with her new husband and pup named Tucker. Where does the time go?
My patient husband

Ron took us to lunch at Green Turtle where I enjoyed a lavender cosmo, but Carolanne didn’t. After lunch, we headed to visit Troy, Carolanne’s husband, who was working.
Catching up with Carolanne over lunch, I realized even further her maturity. Career changes, aging grandparents, thoughts of future children, all adult topics. No longer do we talk about childish things. I’m not a mom, but transitioning to an adult relationship with your children is a feat. Praying for mom’s everywhere.
I told Carolanne, “I still think of you as the young girl who came to visit me all those years ago.”
Change is good and necessary:-).
After lunch, we toured Troy’s workplace. His love of cars evident in his work. My favorite part was the shop’s verse:
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:30-31 NIV)
Since these are also my life verses, my respect for the business rose even more.
Afternoon naps happened next. Then we finished the day off with a cook-out at Laura’s. Unfortunately, Laura’s father is battling cancer; she’s in Pittsburgh with him. But Mike, her husband was a gracious host in her place.
Originally we planned to cook out at the camper, but rain caused a change of venue.