In my video of the trailer pulling out from Lancaster, Ron noticed the right side seemed low. Arriving home, backing the trailer into it’s spot at the storage unit, he noticed a weird sound. Crawling under the trailer, Ron discovered the broken spring.

We estimate the spring broke coming out of New York or Boston, not sure which. Mileage wise, we drove around 600 miles in this condition. Thank God for our safe travels.

Rusty bolts required both of us to break them. When Ron first asked for my assistance, he was laying under the back axle. Praying fervently for God to help us nudge the rusted metal, Ron had a realization. We were working on the wrong bolt. If God answered my prayer, the axle would have fallen and crushed Ron. Thank God for unanswered prayers.

“Thank you Lord for fitting,” Ron’s words when he crawled out from under the trailer. “Gotta get my baby to OBX,” he said with a smile, referring to our next trip.
Driving your house around requires maintenance. We’ve driven 35,000 miles with the Crusader. The memories we made are priceless. With God’s protection, we’re hoping to drive many more.