I woke early to watch the sunrise over the ocean. While Ron and the pups slept, I made a cup of coffee, gathered my phone and journal, then headed to the beach. Just as I was taking a picture of my bike, a truck pulled into the parking spot, illuminating it perfectly for the photo.
Setting up my action camera on hyperspeed, I read my Bible while waiting for the sun. Journaling as the first rays began to peek above the horizon. A group of young men came, standing behind me; I heard them discussing “Flat Earthers.” Certain people believe the earth is flat; apparently, one of the young guy’s wives was one of them.
“Did you see the t-shirt my wife was wearing yesterday? She’s a total flat earther!”
Although interesting, their conversation disturbed the peace of the moment.
After I returned from sunrise, Ron cooked breakfast. Eggs and sausage made for a yummy start to the day. After walking the dogs, we packed up for time on the beach.

“You’re cutting it close,” Ron said.
Yes, I am:-)
Walking St. Augustine beach, I reached my 2000 mile 2021 goal for St. Jude’s cancer research, with only two days to spare. My prize, a starfish, glistening in the sun; the first I’ve ever found.
The reason for committing to the challenge was for accountability. Walking for children battling cancer motivated me. Each month when we report our miles, one question pushes me forward:
“Will you complete the challenge?”

A. Yes
B. Failure is not an option
Each month I checked “B.” Knowing parents who’ve lost children to cancer, it’s my way of supporting them. Before I started, I didn’t walk regularly. Now I walk three times a day, two with my dogs. A friend and I walk together at lunch, Ron walks with me at night. Mornings are my solo trip.
Praise God for a year of good health!
Ron read for a couple of hours while I worked on the blog. He headed back first, hungry for lunch, hotdogs on the grill, delicious!

After lunch, Ron took his chair the few steps to the riverfront to read a little more. After showering, I found a sunnier spot to finish the blog post.
As all evenings at North Beach, happy hour revolved around the sunset. The rest of the evening, enjoying each other’s company by the fire. Chatting with passers-by as they walked dogs and corralled children.
We found a slice of heaven on earth, enjoying it thoroughly.

On our last day at the beach, we felt melancholy. Time at North Beach Resort, much better than we hoped.
“It’s never the same after the first time, is it?” I asked Ron as we sat enjoying another beautiful day on the beach.
“No, it’s not. We’ve spent more time at the beach this trip than any other.”
Yes, we did. Odds are in favor of a return trip, possibly next year, possibly not. Only time will tell the tale.