In need of a new faucet, the Crusader gained a sink as well. While in Florida, the plastic handle came off from overuse.
“Shit boxes, all of ’em,” Ron says often.
Driving your home 60 mph for thousands of miles does result in wear and tear. As soon as we fix one thing something else needs attention.
Today’s project definitely came with challenges, removing the sink at top of the list. Despite what the YouTube videos said, breaking the seal took more work than anticipated.
Finally, I told Ron, “Let’s just break it.”
“That’s my Honey! Just wait before we start smashing things.”
And so I waited, my patience muscle growing stronger. After much scoring, jimmying and chipping, we accomplished our task.
“Scary though! I thought for sure we’d crack the counter. Worst case scenario, we’d replaced the whole thing. I’m glad you came though, I couldn’t of done it with you.”
We make a good team, for sure!
Weeks passed, maybe even months before we took the old girl out for a test drive. Diesel prices continue to climb with our current administration. And so we adjust.
At last, we took a short trip to Newport News Park to try out the upgrade. And as Ron says, “We have water!”